Discover Your Growth Potential

Your Growth Potential Score (GPS) is your first step toward achieving predictable and repeatable business growth. Deep dive your organization's performance, gain key insights about your growth opportunities and potential, and get your free 120 Growth Starter Kit.

Over 1,200 businesses have taken this assessment. Every company with a score over 70 was growing significantly faster than both their markets and competitors. How will you score?

Step 1:

Take the Assessment

Take just 10-12 minutes to answer 25 questions about your organization’s current growth strategy.

Step 2:

Receive Your Score

Immediately receive your Growth Potential Score which measures your current growth activities and execution compared to your peers.

Step 3:

Get Your Free Starter Kit

Register for your free 120 Growth Starter Kit and minicourse, and begin turning 1% change into 20% annual growth.

What is your Growth Potential Score?

The Growth Potential Score (GPS) assessment is a complimentary online diagnostic that helps companies benchmark their performance against top-performing peers. Our proprietary assessment is built on over 1,200 responses and data from helping 300+ organizations navigate their sustainable growth journey.

The Growth Potential Score is not your typical online quiz.

Upfront, I want to tell you this is not your typical 2-minute online quiz designed only to capture your email address and enter you into a sales funnel. To provide you with meaningful value, a more substantial investment in time is required - from both of us.

The GPS consists of 25 questions and takes between 10-12 minutes to complete. Initially offered to clients as part of the 120 Growth Audit (a $1,700 investment), I created it to identify opportunities and risks in client growth programs. Because of its effectiveness at predicting success, I decided to make access to it available to everyone for a limited time.

Identify Opportunities

Discover opportunities to drive both short- and long-term growth in sales, profit, and company valuation.

Pinpoint Risks

Better understand the risks that can limit your success and prevent you from achieving your growth potential.

How Do You Compare?

How does your business compare to the top-performing, fastest-growing businesses? 

Four Non-Negotiables of Sustainable Growth

How does the Growth Potential Score work?

The GPS analyzes your business performance in the Four Non-Negotiables of Sustainable Growth:

Strategic Foundation – the strategies, structure, and processes that support sustainable growth.

Short-Term Growth (revenue) – how effectively you generate revenue in your business.

Continuous Improvement – how well you adapt to your constantly changing and competitive marketplace.

Long-Term Growth (valuation) – are you building a company that commands a premium valuation?

How do you compare to the best?

Immediately after completing the assessment, you receive your score. Your benchmark score indicates how you compare to your top-performing peers. The top 2% of companies score 80% or higher. All of these companies are growing significantly faster than both their market and competition. How will you score?

Sustainable Growth Starter Kit

Get your free copy of the 120 Growth Starter Kit

In addition to receiving your GPS Score, you get actionable insights and resources with your free copy of the 120 Growth Starter Kit: Sustainable Growth Simplified.

This six-module minicourse presents a bigger picture and actionable insights to help you progress on your growth journey as quickly as possible.

Uncover opportunities to improve sales, profit, and company valuation.

Identify strengths and weaknesses in the Four Non-Negotiables of Sustainable Growth.

Guidance for avoiding pitfalls that could cost you precious time, money, and wasted effort.

Ready to Start Your Growth Journey?

Don't wait to achieve more short- and long-term growth in your company. Get your Growth Potential Score now ang begin your journey to predictable, sustainable growth.