Free Revenue Growth Starter Kit

Get the ultimate quick start for creating sustainable revenue growth in today's hypercompetitive, constantly changing markets. Discover how you can turn 1% change into 20% annual growth in sales, profit, and company valuation.

Is the Revenue Growth OS Starter Kit for you?

Are you in any way responsible for the short- or long-term growth of your company? Do you want that responsibility one day? If so, the Revenue Growth Starter Kit can help you achieve your growth goals faster, more profitably, and with fewer growing pains.

CEOs & C-Level Executives

Grow your business in a simple, structured, and repeatable way.


Scale your growth and develop and agile competitive advantage.


Increase the valuation of your business and improve stakeholder ROI.

Sales Leaders

Improve the performance of your sales teams.

Marketing Leaders

Drive financially quantifiable results from your activities.

Ambitious Professionals

Outperform your peers and get noticed in your organization.

Here's what you'll get with the 120 Growth Starter Kit...

Free & Proprietary Online Assessment

Take Russ Holder's free online assessment to Discover Your Growth Potential and find out if the 120 Growth Operating System is a good fit for you and your business.

Get Your Growth Potential Score

This proprietary performance diagnostic was previously only offered as part of the 120 Growth Audit at a price of $1,700. For a limited time, I'm making it available at no charge to those who complete this minicourse.

Discover new growth opportunities.
Identify risks and areas you need to improve.
How do you compare to top-performers?
Sustainable Growth Starter Kit

The Sustaintable Growth... Simplified Starter Kit

Six-Module MiniCourse

The Sustainable Growth Simplified minicourse consists of six lessons covering the Four Non-Negotiables of Sustainable Growth, and how you can turn 1% change into 20% annual growth in sales, profit, and company value.

Six Client Case Studies

Case studies from real clients who used the 120 Growth Operating System to achieve growth results like these:

  • Grow a manufacturer from $146 million to $275 million in three years.
  • Overcome a growth stall to achieve 236% revenue growth over 3.5 years.
  • Improve average sales rep performance by 26% in only six months.
  • Increase company's valuation by 300% and achieve a successful acquisition.

Ready to begin your growth journey?

Does your organization have the capabilities to drive and sustain revenue growth in today’s business climate? How can you know for sure?

The Growth Potential Assessment provides key insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and areas to improve both short- and long-term growth. The assessment is free, remarkably thorough, and you get your results immediately.